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Types Of termites in South Jersey

Have you ever seen Termite tents on TV? South Jersey, termites are subterranean, they live underground and avoid air and light by...

To Sting Or Not to sting

Do you know which carpenter bee stings? is it the male or the female? There is a good amount of mystery and misunderstanding surrounding...

Ticks and flea treatment

Preventing ticks and fleas is a three pronged approach, treat the home, the pet and the yard

Pest Control of South Jersey

It may take a few days to get maximum results from a pest control treatment. If you're seeing dead or dying insects, give it time, the...

Ant Extermination

The ants that you see in your kitchen may come from 300 feet outside your home. Effective treatment requires a residual pesticide...

Prevent Pest Control

Better to prevent an infestation than to need pest control treatment. Here are easy things that every homeowner can do to reduce the risk...

Come home without Bed bugs

Bed bug infestations often originate in a hotels or motels. Read our newsfeed for 5 tips to avoid infestation while traveling...

Flea control in South Jersey

If your dog won't stop scratching, look for tiny black specs resembling dirt on their groin area, these and red raised bumps may indicate...

Check for Carpenter Bee Damage

Carpenter bees are coming soon to a South Jersey deck near you. Check exterior wood for perfectly round nickel sized holes...

Signs of bedbug infestation

If you see live or dead bed bugs in your home that's an obvious sign of infestation but there are many more subtle indicators that come...

Prevent termites

Wood that comes in contact with soil is more likely to attract termites. Store firewood on metal racks not wooden pallets...

Termite Control

Termites are often confused with carpenter and which are also wood destroying insects. Except for the swarming scouts, the type of...

Carpenter ant exterminator

Carpenter ants can be yellow, brown or black. In South Jersey carpenter ants are black

Termite Mud tunnel

Have you seen something like this? Its called a mud tube and it means you probably have an active termite infestation...

Termites are early this year

Termite colonies grow bigger with time. Each spring a larger colony will divide itself and send half of its members out looking for a new...

Wasps Can See You

Wasps are irritated by loud noises and erratic movements. Their keen eyes will spot you coming from10 feet away. when you see them, stay...

Wasp Control In South Jersey

Wasps build nests anyplace that gives shelter from the elements, under soffits, and behind siding or shutters are common spots for wasp...

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